<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> workbook.com: STOCK </TITLE> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> browserRev = parseInt(navigator.appVersion); // Are we Mozilla 3 compatible? (or later) thumbnailCount = 34 // how many images do we have? // Every so often, display a new image; set displayTime to the desired # of seconds // 20 = 20 seconds, 60 = 1 minute, etc. displayTime = 3 // Can handle this due to the "complete" check, below chgsPerMinute = 60 / displayTime chgsPerHour = 60 * chgsPerMinute if (document.images) { nextThumb = new Image nextAgency = new Image getImages("first") } function animate() { if (document.images) { if (getNext()) { document.thumbnail.src = nextThumb.src // Set the thumbnail image document.agency.src = nextAgency.src // Set the agency image getImages("next") // Now start to cache the next images } setTimeout("animate()", displayTime * 1000) // And wait till we go around again } } function getImages(which) { imageNo = getImageNo(which).substring(0,2) nextThumb.src = "images/stock_intro_thumbnails" + imageNo + ".jpg" nextAgency.src= "images/stock_intro_thumbnails" + imageNo + ".gif" } function getImageNo(which) { now = new Date() timePeriod = (now.getHours()*chgsPerHour) + (now.getMinutes()*chgsPerMinute) + Math.floor((now.getSeconds()/displayTime)) if (which == "next") timePeriod++ modulus = timePeriod % thumbnailCount if (modulus < 10) return ("0" + modulus) return("" + modulus) } function getNext() { if (browserRev == 3 && nextThumb.complete) return true if (browserRev == 4 && document.thumbnail.complete) return true return false } </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR="white" onload="animate()"> <MAP NAME="intro_buttons"> <AREA SHAPE="rect" COORDS="0,0,67,14" HREF="/workbook.overview.newFrame.fcgi?stock"> <AREA SHAPE="rect" COORDS="73,0,113,14" HREF="/map.html"> <AREA SHAPE="rect" COORDS="119,0,163,14" HREF="/home.html"> </MAP> <MAP NAME="search_button"> <AREA SHAPE="rect" COORDS="519,0,545,13" HREF="/stock/stock.html"> </MAP> <TABLE WIDTH="100%" HEIGHT="100%" BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=0> <TR> <TD ALIGN="middle"> <TABLE WIDTH=678 BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0> <TR BGCOLOR="black"> <TD COLSPAN=2> <IMG SRC="images/stock_logo.gif" WIDTH=231 HEIGHT=66 ALIGN="absmiddle" HSPACE=9 VSPACE=10> </TD> <TD ALIGN="right"> <IMG SRC="images/intro_buttons_1.gif" WIDTH=163 HEIGHT=14 ALIGN="absmiddle" USEMAP="#intro_buttons" BORDER=0 HSPACE=7> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN=3> <BR> <CENTER> <IMG SRC="images/stock_intro.gif" WIDTH=677 HEIGHT=13 ALIGN="bottom" USEMAP="#search_button" BORDER=0 VSPACE=5> </CENTER> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN="top" NOWRAP WIDTH="34%"> <FONT FACE="geneva,arial,helvetica" SIZE="-1"> Alaska Stock<BR> AnatomyWorks Inc.<BR> Animals Animals/Earth Scenes<BR> Archive Photos/Archive Films<BR> Aristock, Inc.<BR> Peter Arnold, Inc.<BR> A-Select Images<BR> Backgrounds For Advertising<BR> Camerique Inc. International<BR> Leo de Wys Inc.<BR> Duomo Photography Inc. </FONT> <FONT COLOR="red" SIZE="-2" FACE="geneva,arial,helvetica"> <B>UPDATED</B> </FONT> <BR> <FONT FACE="geneva,arial,helvetica" SIZE="-1"> FoodPix<BR> FPG International<BR> Get Real<BR> George Hall/Check Six </FONT> <FONT COLOR="red" SIZE="-2" FACE="geneva,arial,helvetica"> <B>UPDATED</B> </FONT> <BR> <FONT FACE="geneva,arial,helvetica" SIZE="-1"> George Hall/Code Red </FONT> </TD> <TD VALIGN="top" NOWRAP WIDTH="33%"> <FONT FACE="geneva,arial,helvetica" SIZE="-1"> Grant Heilman Photography, Inc.<BR> Index Stock Photography, Inc.<BR> Ron Kimball Stock<BR> Cindy Lewis Photography<BR> Lorenz/Avelar </FONT> <FONT COLOR="red" SIZE="-2" FACE="geneva,arial,helvetica"> <B>NEW</B> </FONT> <BR> <FONT FACE="geneva,arial,helvetica" SIZE="-1"> The Mach 2 Stock Exchange Ltd. </FONT> <FONT COLOR="red" SIZE="-2" FACE="geneva,arial,helvetica"> <B>NEW</B> </FONT> <BR> <FONT FACE="geneva,arial,helvetica" SIZE="-1"> David Madison Sports Images </FONT> <FONT COLOR="red" SIZE="-2" FACE="geneva,arial,helvetica"> <B>UPDATED</B> </FONT> <BR> <FONT FACE="geneva,arial,helvetica" SIZE="-1"> MediChrome<BR> Monkmeyer<BR> Mountain Stock Photography & Film, Inc.<BR> Omni-Photo Communications, Inc.<BR> Pacific Rim Stock<BR> Luciana Pampalone Stock </FONT> <FONT COLOR="red" SIZE="-2" FACE="geneva,arial,helvetica"> <B>NEW</B> </FONT> <BR> <FONT FACE="geneva,arial,helvetica" SIZE="-1"> Douglas Peebles Photography<BR> PhotoEdit<BR> Phototake </FONT> </TD> <TD VALIGN="top" NOWRAP WIDTH="33%"> <FONT FACE="geneva,arial,helvetica" SIZE="-1"> The Picture Cube Inc.<BR> Picturesque<BR> H. Armstrong Roberts Stock Photography<BR> Sharpshooters Premium Stock Photography<BR> Sickles Photo-Reporting Service Archives<BR> SportsLight Photography<BR> Stock Connection<BR> The Stock Shop Inc.<BR> The Stock Solution<BR> Stockworks Stock Illustration </FONT> <FONT COLOR="red" SIZE="-2" FACE="geneva,arial,helvetica"> <B>UPDATED</B> </FONT> <BR> <FONT FACE="geneva,arial,helvetica" SIZE="-1"> Streano/Havens<BR> TSBroker.com/The Stock Broker<BR> Washington Stock Photo, Inc.<BR> Westlight<BR> Workbook Co/Op Stock </FONT> <FONT COLOR="red" SIZE="-2" FACE="geneva,arial,helvetica"> <B>UPDATED</B> </FONT> <BR> <FONT FACE="geneva,arial,helvetica" SIZE="-1"> Zephyr Images </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN=3> <!-- The next two images will get replaced by animation --> <IMG SRC="images/spacer.gif" HEIGHT=95 WIDTH=438 NAME="thumbnail" ALIGN="middle" VSPACE=5> <IMG SRC="images/spacer.gif" HEIGHT=79 WIDTH=230 NAME="agency" ALIGN="middle" VSPACE=5> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </BODY> </HTML>