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Script listing:
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Watch me go!</TITLE> <SCRIPT TYPE="TEXT/JAVASCRIPT" LANGUAGE=JAVASCRIPT> <!-- Hide script from older browsers keepGoing = true function moveIt() { if (document.all) { += 2 += 2 if ( > (document.body.clientHeight-100)) { keepGoing = false } } else { += 2 document.mover.left += 2 if ( > (window.innerHeight-100)) { keepGoing = false } } if (keepGoing) { setTimeout("moveIt()",20) } } // End hiding script --> </SCRIPT> <STYLE TYPE="TEXT/CSS"> #mover {position: absolute; left: 5; top: 5; font-size:36pt} </STYLE> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR=WHITE onLoad="moveIt()"> <DIV ID="mover"> On the road again... </DIV> </BODY> </HTML>