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Script listing:
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Select and Go Navigation</TITLE> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=JAVASCRIPT TYPE="TEXT/JAVASCRIPT"> <!-- Hide script from older browsers function jumpPage(newLoc) { newPage = newLoc.options[newLoc.selectedIndex].value if (newPage != "") { window.location.href = newPage } } // End hiding script from older browsers --> </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR=WHITE> <DIV ALIGN=CENTER> <FORM ACTION="gotoLocation.cgi" METHOD=GET> <SELECT NAME="newLocation" onChange="jumpPage(this.form.newLocation)"> <OPTION VALUE="" SELECTED>Select a topic <OPTION VALUE="script03.html">Selecting menu items <OPTION VALUE="script04.html">Working with radio buttons <OPTION VALUE="script05.html">Setting one field with another <OPTION VALUE="script06.html">Validating Zip codes <OPTION VALUE="script07.html">Validating email addresses </SELECT> <NOSCRIPT> <INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE="Go There!"> </NOSCRIPT> </FORM> </DIV> </BODY> </HTML>