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Backup Brain Terms of Service

We have implemented comments on this site because we have lots of smart current and future friends that often want to respond to our posts. We're all for that. However, we've decided that the comment area will be an Asshole-Free Zone. We've seen too many good discussions degenerate into forums for jerks. Because this is our blog, we see no reason to suffer fools and jerks; they can go post somewhere else, like on their own blogs (that we won't read). So, we reserve the right to delete comments at our whim, if we determine that the comment has that indefinable but-we-know-it-when-we-see-it asshole quality. If someone is repeatedly annoying, we reserve the right to ban their IP address so that they can't post again.

But not you, of course. You, we love unconditionally.

Tom Negrino and Dori Smith